“Elements of America’s Renaissance”

San Diego Union-TribuneMarch 12, 2009By C. L. Max NikiasJazz, that distinctly American art form, has been called “the sound of surprise”—and America’s successes in competitiveness over the past century have similarly resulted from the distinctly American appetite for surprise and for bold experimentation. That should inform our feverish efforts to inject life into our economy….Continue Reading “Elements of America’s Renaissance”

“Beyond the Ivory Towers: On Tomorrow’s American Research University”

C. L. Max NikiasExecutive Vice President and ProvostMalcolm R. Currie Chair in Technology and the HumanitiesUniversity of Southern California Thirty-First Annual Earl V. Pullias Lecture It is my privilege to offer today some perspective on the potential direction of the American research university in the coming years. Some of my recommendations and predictions for the…Continue Reading “Beyond the Ivory Towers: On Tomorrow’s American Research University”