USC president C. L. Max Nikias joins other leading university presidents this month in panel presentations addressing the questions: “Can Universities Save Cities?” and “What Is the Future of Higher Education?”

Read the announcement at USC News.

Higher Education: What Is Its Future?

Larry Mantle, host of AirTalk on KPCC radio, moderates a panel discussing the future of higher education in the context of rising tuition, student unrest and trimmed budgets.

When: 6:30 p.m. on Wed., Jan. 11, 2012
Where: The Crawford Family Forum, 474 South Raymond Ave., Pasadena
Who: USC president C. L. Max Nikias, UCLA chancellor Gene Block, Pitzer College president Laura Skandera Trombley and California Community Colleges chancellor Jack Scott
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Can Universities Save Cities?

Organized by Zócalo Public Square and moderated by Jeffrey Selingo, editorial director at The Chronicle of Higher Education, this panel addresses the importance of institutions of higher learning to the vitality and cultural health of their communities. In the midst of today’s economic crisis, cities in the United States are increasingly turning to nearby universities for support in creating new sources of economic growth. These can take the form of full-scale research parks, such as the University of Pittsburgh Applied Research Center. Or they can take the form of smaller efforts, such as the new symphony orchestra that Syracuse University helped establish after the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra went bankrupt. USC is embarking on the largest development in the history of South Los Angeles, 3 million square feet of housing and retail that will create 12,000 permanent jobs, without public subsidies.

When: 7:30 p.m. on Thurs., Jan. 12, 2012
Where: The California Endowment. 1000 N. Alameda St., Los Angeles
Who: USC president C. L. Max Nikias, Rice University president David Leebron, UCLA chancellor Gene Block and Arizona State University president Michael Crow