Solomon Golomb receives National Medal of Science

University Professor and Distinguished Professor Solomon Golomb has received our nation’s highest honor for scientific innovation: the National Medal of Science. In a special ceremony at the White House, President Obama praised Professor Golomb’s pioneering work on shift register sequences. The mathematical structures of these sequences—with their seemingly random strings of zeros and ones—make them tremendously useful, with applications that range from radar to cell phone systems to space communications. For this reason, Professor Golomb’s groundbreaking work touches everything from Tetris to the Mars Rovers….Continue Reading Solomon Golomb receives National Medal of Science

USC Signs Historic Agreement with State of São Paulo

  The USC delegation to Brazil was received in the governor’s palace by a number of officials from the state of São Paulo, including Edmur Mesquita, Secretary of Metropolitan Development; Edson Aprecido, chief of staff to the governor (vice governor) and an elected member of congress in the Brazilian government; and Renato Pires de Carvalho…Continue Reading USC Signs Historic Agreement with State of São Paulo

USC Launches Leadership Meetings in Brazil

  A university delegation of USC Trustees, executives, and academic leadership embarked on a series of meetings with higher education leadership, business executives, and government officials in Brazil. The delegation was hosted by the University of São Paulo on the morning of February 25, 2013, when the two universities signed a memorandum of understanding. In…Continue Reading USC Launches Leadership Meetings in Brazil

USC Thornton School Launches $75 Million Fundraising Initiative

At a gala event on February 21, 2013, the USC Thornton School of Music kicked off its $75 million fundraising initiative—part of the $6 billion Campaign for the University of Southern California—with the announcement of a lead gift totaling $10 million from celebrated musician and USC faculty member, Alice Schoenfeld (center)….Continue Reading USC Thornton School Launches $75 Million Fundraising Initiative

USC Celebrates Prof. Solomon Golomb, National Medal of Science Recipient

At a event attended by faculty and university leadership, Solomon Golomb was recognized for his most recent professional achievement: Golomb was one of 12 eminent researchers named by President Obama as having made important contributions to the advancement of knowledge in science and engineering, thereby receiving the National Medal of Science on February 1, 2013….Continue Reading USC Celebrates Prof. Solomon Golomb, National Medal of Science Recipient

Annual Address to the USC Faculty

This is an era in which the crucial issues of how we live, and how well we live, and how long we live will be illuminated by creative and collaborative adventurers across the sciences and engineering, the humanities, the arts and social sciences, and the professions.

As a private, comprehensive research powerhouse, here at the greatest cultural and commercial crossroads of the Pacific Rim, USC finds circumstances working in its favor. Located in this place, at this time, with our unique assets, we find that Destiny has dealt us a favorable hand. Let us play this out wisely!…Continue Reading Annual Address to the USC Faculty