USC President C. L. Max Nikias and Mrs. Niki C. Nikias hosted the most generous employee donors to the USC Good Neighbors Campaign – the President’s Leadership Circle – at a dinner at the USC President’s House in San Marino on Sept. 14.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the USC Good Neighbors Campaign, a unique employee giving program that supports community-based partnership activities throughout the neighborhoods surrounding the University Park and Health Sciences campuses.

The Leadership Circle is composed of top employee contributors, all of whom have donated 1 percent or more of their annual salary to the campaign. For the 2013-2014 Good Neighbors Campaign year, more than 500 employees in this giving circle contributed a total of $700,000 toward the final tally of $1.7 million.

Over the years, the campaign has raised more than $17.7 million dollars – with 100 percent of proceeds directly funding nearly 550 community partnerships, including the Neighborhood Academic Initiative, JazzReach and FitFamilies.