Literary luminaries celebrated in prelude to Festival of Books

Los Angeles Times publisher, Eddy Hartenstein, University of Southern California President C. L. Max Nikias, and Los Angeles Times editor Davan Maharaj met informally before the start of the the Los Angeles Times Books Prize Ceremony on Friday, April 11, 2014 in USC’s Bovard Auditorium. Among the winners of this year’s Book Prize awards was…Continue Reading Literary luminaries celebrated in prelude to Festival of Books

In Sacramento, bringing Cal Grant students together with lawmakers

USC President C. L. Max Nikias, USC Trustees, senior administrators and three USC students who are Cal Grant recipients made a recent visit to Sacramento to speak with California lawmakers. The USC delegates discussed the importance of the Cal Grant program, which has provided funding for more than 2.3 million students in the state since…Continue Reading In Sacramento, bringing Cal Grant students together with lawmakers

USC Delegation to Singapore and Indonesia

In late February, I led a delegation to Singapore and Indonesia, strengthening the university’s ties with top educational institutions in both countries, while reconnecting with our solid base of alumni, parents, and high schools in the region. In Singapore, we met with Professor John Wong, chief executive of the National University Health System, and President Tan Chorh Chuan of National University of Singapore, with whom we discussed ways to advance our mutually beneficial collaborations. During our time there, The Edge – Enterprise, a Singaporean publication, interviewed me regarding the future of online education, and I’d like to share the resulting article with you here.

In Jakarta, the USC delegation visited Universitas Indonesia, where we met with faculty and administration. In both countries, Niki and I hosted receptions for our alumni and parents, and I can assure you: the Trojan spirit is exceptionally strong in this region. USC continues to attract the most talented students from this part of the world, and we were pleased to meet so many potential applicants, parents, and high school administrators, as well as to connect them with our dedicated and passionate alumni….Continue Reading USC Delegation to Singapore and Indonesia

Inaugural Choong Hoon Cho chair installed at USC Viterbi School of Engineering

In an elegant Wednesday, March 26 ceremony, USC Viterbi School of Engineering installed the inaugural Choong Hoon Cho Chair in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. The chair is named after Choong Hoon Cho, the late chairman of Korean Airlines and father of USC Trustee and alumnus Y.H. Cho. Professor Michael Kassner, the holder of the chair,…Continue Reading Inaugural Choong Hoon Cho chair installed at USC Viterbi School of Engineering

In the capital, USC leaders bring higher education issues to lawmakers

USC President C. L. Max Nikias and a delegation of USC leadership will meet with policymakers in Washington, D.C., this week as part of USC in D.C. 2014. Nikias, Provost Elizabeth Garrett and USC deans and trustees will share USC’s leadership role in research, education, health care and civic engagement with senators and members of…Continue Reading In the capital, USC leaders bring higher education issues to lawmakers

USC welcomes Qatar University into iPodia Alliance

Qatar University joined USC as the 10th partner in the cross-cultural learning platform known as iPodia, and the first university in the alliance to represent the Arab world. “IPodia is a smart idea that enables cooperation across campuses and allows students to cooperate while maintaining their uniqueness,” said Dr. Mazen Hasna, vice president and chief…Continue Reading USC welcomes Qatar University into iPodia Alliance

Women of Troy discuss leadership at annual conference

The 6th annual USC Women’s Conference, a program of the USC Alumni Association, kicked off with a warm Trojan welcome from Niki C. Nikias (center) and this year’s co-chairs, Melody Nishida ’78 (right) and two-time Olympic medalist Inger Miller ’94 (left). Mrs. Nikias opened the day-long event, that offered networking opportunities, talks on leadership, financial…Continue Reading Women of Troy discuss leadership at annual conference

Mellon Foundation grants $1.9 million for USC digital humanities scholars

USC has long been a leader in digital media, informatics, and communication. Our excellence in these important areas ranges from the Information Sciences Institute, which has helped shape the internet and its use for more than four decades, to the Institute for Multimedia Literacy, which promotes effective and expressive communication. It also includes the USC Digital Repository, a pioneer in information storage and expression, and our high-performance computer, one of the world’s fastest academic supercomputers. The university’s leadership also is seen through the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and its life-saving work; our top-ranked game design program; and in the groundbreaking training and treatment we offer our military and veterans through virtual reality and avatars.

These strengths are profoundly impressive and contribute tremendously to our society, but USC now seeks to do even more. Last fall, Provost Elizabeth Garrett announced the university’s intention to invest $1 billion in digital knowledge and informatics over the next decade, an investment that will draw on a range of sources, including university, federal, and foundation funding. As a follow up to this announcement, earlier this month USC organized a productive retreat, at which our provost, some deans, and key faculty discussed the university’s strategic vision in these increasingly significant areas….Continue Reading Mellon Foundation grants $1.9 million for USC digital humanities scholars

Strenghtening ties in Southeast Asia

USC President C. L. Max Nikias is leading a delegation of deans and trustees this week to Singapore and Jakarta, Indonesia, where the group will seek to strengthen ties with top universities there as well as reconnect with USC’s strong base of alumni, parents and high schools in the region. “The University of Southern California…Continue Reading Strenghtening ties in Southeast Asia