Robert A. Cutietta, Glorya Kaufman, C. L. Max Nikias and Jodie Gates at the opening of the Glorya Kaufman Dance Center (USC Photo/Gus Ruelas)

The Glorya Kaufman International Dance Center, the largest dance-dedicated building on a private university campus, had its grand opening Oct. 5 in a stylish celebration of movement, scholarship and the arts.

At noon, several hundred people filled the courtyard of the handsome Italianate Collegiate Gothic building, a crowd that included more than two dozen USC trustees, many senior administrators and deans and USC Distinguished Professors who were introduced by Robert A. Cutietta, dean of the USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance.

Also in attendance: friends of the school, faculty members and enthusiastic USC Kaufman students who later gave building tours and worked on choreography in the new studios.

Dance patron Glorya Kaufman, the school’s principal benefactor, was praised by USC President C. L. Max Nikias, who said she stands among the world’s most visionary philanthropists. “But in the world of dance, she is without peer,” he said.

Read full story here.