The celebrations and fanfare continued for the new USC Verdugo Hills Hospital as leaders from the organization welcomed more than 150 dignitaries from throughout the community at a special reception held Aug. 19 on the hospital grounds. The program featured community leaders and elected officials, including Congressman Adam Schiff and Michael Antonovich, head of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. They applauded the move to bring Verdugo Hills Hospital together with USC and noted the positive impact it would have on the surrounding community and the broader Southern California region.
“In an increasingly competitive health-care landscape, we are well-positioned to capitalize on our combined assets and deliver exceptional patient care that is unparalleled in this region,” said Tom Jackiewicz, USC senior vice president and CEO for Health. “It is absolutely the right move at the right time for both our organizations.”
USC President C. L. Max Nikias spoke about the important place USC Verdugo Hills Hospital holds within the Keck Medicine of USC organization, particularly as the academic medical center positions itself in a health-care reform environment.
“I assure you that what we have accomplished individually will be nothing compared to what we will achieve by working together,” Nikias said. “I am convinced that USC Verdugo Hills Hospital will provide patients with the very best of both worlds.”