USC Viterbi Launches $500 Million Fundraising Initiative

At the 35th Annual Viterbi Awards on April 24, 2013, the USC Viterbi School of Engineering officially launched the School’s $500 million fundraising initiative as part of the Campaign for the University of Southern California, the $6 billion fundraising effort. “Viterbi’s bold initiative is a very important part of the larger Campaign for USC, which is…Continue Reading USC Viterbi Launches $500 Million Fundraising Initiative

Academic Convocation salutes top Trojans

Paying tribute to the wide range of intellectual and leadership achievements of the past year, the 32nd annual Academic Honors Convocation was held on April 23 at Town & Gown to recognize the best and the brightest among USC students, faculty and administrators. “USC’s outstanding faculty and students all contribute to our academic community in…Continue Reading Academic Convocation salutes top Trojans

Reader’s feast: 18th L.A. Times Festival of Books held at USC

For the third consecutive year, tens of thousands of book lovers from across Southern California gathered on the University Park Campus for the 18th annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, a free, two-day event held April 20-21. “We are very grateful that you have made this the largest, most prestigious public literary festival in…Continue Reading Reader’s feast: 18th L.A. Times Festival of Books held at USC

Ross Minority Program commemorates 20th anniversary, raises $1 million

The University of Southern California Ross Minority Program in Real Estate marked its 20th anniversary on April 18 honoring Stan Ross. Ross, chair of the board of the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate, is the former vice chairman of real estate industry services for Ernst & Young, who also served as managing partner of…Continue Reading Ross Minority Program commemorates 20th anniversary, raises $1 million

Asian/Pacific American Trojans Celebrate Tradition and Achievement

At the USC Asian Pacific Alumni Association’s (APAA) 2013 Scholarship and Awards Gala, the university bestowed the President’s Award to alumnus Wilfred “Fred” Uytengsu, Jr. Uytengsu is the president and CEO of Alaska Milk Corporation (AMC), the leading dairy products company in the Philippines. He earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration from the USC…Continue Reading Asian/Pacific American Trojans Celebrate Tradition and Achievement