President Signs World Health Organization Safety Designation

Paul Kells (left), the founder of Safe Communities Canada, and President C. L. Max Nikias on Wednesday sign the agreement marking USC’s official recognition as an International Safe Community. Safe Communities Canada led the certification process that resulted in this designation – the first ever to a university – from the World Health Organization Collaborating…Continue Reading President Signs World Health Organization Safety Designation

Grand Opening of Tutor Campus Center

USC president C. L. Max Nikias and USC trustee Ronald Tutor addressed the hundreds gathered on Thursday, Aug. 26, 2010, to celebrate the grand opening of the Ronald Tutor Campus Center. The campus center is now the launching place for campus tours, a homecoming place for alumni and a gathering place for Trojans of all…Continue Reading Grand Opening of Tutor Campus Center

Engineer and Humanist

A powerful advocate of the equal importance of science and art, C. L. Max Nikias became the first holder of the Malcolm R. Currie Chair in Technology and the Humanities in 2008. The chair is USC’s first endowed faculty position that focuses on the interdisciplinary relationships between technology and the humanities and honors exceptional achievements…Continue Reading Engineer and Humanist

Two New Hospitals

C. L. Max Nikias speaks on the Health Sciences campus during an event celebrating the university’s acquisition of the USC Norris Cancer Hospital and USC University Hospital in April 2009. It is a “watershed moment,” says Nikias, that gives USC the opportunity “to embark on a new frontier for all of the health-related disciplines at…Continue Reading Two New Hospitals

The Promethean University

In his seminal keynote address (“Beyond the Ivory Towers: On Tomorrow’s American Research University”) for the 31st Earl V. Pullias Lecture on Jan. 22, 2009, sponsored by the USC Rossier School of Education, C. L. Max Nikias articulates his vision for tomorrow’s American research university. Perceiving the urgent need for “a second Prometheus,” Nikias asserts…Continue Reading The Promethean University