USC honors Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs, José Antonio Meade Kuribreña

Undersecretary Alcocer accepts Judge Widney Award on behalf of Foreign Secretary Meade

At a special reception and dinner Tuesday at Mexico City’s historic Palacio de Autonomía, USC President C. L. Max Nikias honored Mexican Foreign Secretary José Antonio Meade Kuribreña with the inaugural Judge Widney Award.

Nikias presented the award in recognition of Meade’s leadership and the important gains Mexico’s foreign ministry has made in establishing educational diplomacy and building research and innovation partnerships between Mexico and the United States….Continue Reading USC honors Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs, José Antonio Meade Kuribreña

USC delegation strengthens Mexico ties

CONACYT’s Maria Dolores Sanchez Soler and USC President C. L. Max Nikias sign an agreement to create up to 30 postdoctoral fellowships for Mexican scholars to study at USC. (USC Photo)

USC President C. L. Max Nikias is in Mexico City with a delegation of trustees, senior administrators and deans to strengthen partnerships with leading Mexican institutions and foster ties with alumni, parents and prospective students.

The delegation was invited by Mexico’s foreign secretary, José Antonio Meade Kuribreña.

“Over the last four years, USC has nearly quadrupled its Mexican student base, as a result of an enhanced focus on research partnerships, scholarship agreements and student mobility collaborations,” Nikias said….Continue Reading USC delegation strengthens Mexico ties

Mexico City presidential delegation kicks off

USC’s Mexico City presidential delegation is officially underway, with a full schedule of events and meetings that began today. The visit brings together Trustees, Deans and senior administrators who will work towards deepening USC’s ties with Mexican universities, companies and other institutions. President Nikias has identified Mexico as a key priority for USC and over the last four years, the university has increased efforts to build partnerships for research, student mobility and scholarships. These efforts have yielded impressive results with the number of Mexican students enrolled at USC quadrupling since 2010….Continue Reading Mexico City presidential delegation kicks off

USC summit marks rebirth of biotech era in Los Angeles

Los Angeles city and county policymakers and educational institutions are laying the groundwork for the region’s biotechnology strategy at a summit today on the USC Health Sciences Campus.

The Los Angeles Biotech Summit draws leaders from business, academia and government to discuss ways to build the industry and, in turn, create more jobs.

“Today, we gather at a most auspicious moment in the history of medicine and the biological sciences. Each day brings advances that not only improve how long we live, but how well we live. Now, we have an opportunity to usher in progress and economic development, here in the heart of our city,” said USC President C. L. Max Nikias….Continue Reading USC summit marks rebirth of biotech era in Los Angeles

Nikias comes to defense of the research university

C. L. Max Nikias

In his 2015 addresses to faculty and staff, USC President C. L. Max Nikias delivered a full-throated defense of the research university.

Speaking Feb. 11 to faculty at Town & Gown, he responded to a recent wave of criticism in the media over ballooning tuition, crushing student debt and uncertainty about the market value of a college education.

Nikias acknowledged that these are legitimate concerns….Continue Reading Nikias comes to defense of the research university

Nikias and Solis discuss biotech

Hilda Solis, LA County Supervisor, and USC President C. L. Max Nikias.

USC President C. L. Max Nikias met with Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis ’81 to discuss how to bring more economic development to the First District, which encompasses the university’s Health Sciences Campus.

Jobs are an area of expertise for Solis, who until 2013 was President Barack Obama’s Secretary of Labor. Solis is also part of the Trojan Family, having earned a master of public administration degree at USC….Continue Reading Nikias and Solis discuss biotech

Commerating civil rights and law enforcement

(left to right) USC President C.L. Max Nikias, Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck and Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey during the 6th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Los Angeles Police Department breakfast, Saturday, January 10, 2015. USC Photos/Gus Ruelas

USC hosted an event on campus on January 10, 2014 in cooperation with the Los Angeles Police Department, marking the ongoing legacy of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The law enforcement community came together for the 6th annual Los Angeles Police Department Martin Luther King Breakfast, attended by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles Police Commissioner Steve Soboroff, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, L.A. City Council President Herb Wesson, new Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell and Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey. USC President C. L. Max Nikias welcomed police officers and city officials prior to a keynote address by United States District Judge Andre Birotte, Jr….Continue Reading Commerating civil rights and law enforcement

USC Experience Initiative receives boost from groundbreaking author Joseph Pine

C. L. Max Nikias, Joseph Pine, Rick Caruso

“Why do people go to university?” author B. Joseph Pine II asked a roomful of USC leaders. It’s not for the ideas or the books or the classroom instruction, he said. It’s not even for the out-of-classroom encounters, though that’s getting a bit closer. “It’s because they’re looking to be transformed.”

The renowned author and business consultant was the featured speaker at this year’s President’s Leadership Retreat, held Nov. 20. Some 400 USC managers gathered in the Ronald Tutor Campus Center ballroom that morning to listen and then brainstorm on the university’s place in what Pine has dubbed “the experience economy.”…Continue Reading USC Experience Initiative receives boost from groundbreaking author Joseph Pine

USC awards $100,000 annual grant to LAPD Cadet Leadership Program

USC President C.L. Max Nikias greets the Los Angeles Police Department cadets prior to the LAPD Cadet Press Conference, Wednesday, November 19, 2014, in Los Angeles, California. (USC Photo/ Gus Ruelas)

In an ongoing commitment to fostering community partnerships throughout the city, USC has awarded the Los Angeles Police Department a $100,000 annual grant to support its burgeoning Cadet Leadership Program. The annual award will help the LAPD expand its signature community youth program, which has 6,000 active members age 13 to 20 from every part of the…Continue Reading USC awards $100,000 annual grant to LAPD Cadet Leadership Program