Nikias Named Charter Fellow of National Academy of Inventors

USC President C. L. Max Nikias has been named a charter fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Election as a fellow in the NAI is a professional distinction accorded to scientists and scholars who have demonstrated a prolific spirit of innovation. Fellows were nominated by their peers for outstanding inventions with a tangible…Continue Reading Nikias Named Charter Fellow of National Academy of Inventors

Caruso Catholic Center Opens

On Sunday, December 9, the USC University Park campus opened a new spiritual home for the nearly 10,000 Roman Catholics who are part of the student body. The newest house of worship is the Our Savior Catholic Church, and its adjacent student activity building is the USC Caruso Catholic Center. The Caruso Catholic Center and…Continue Reading Caruso Catholic Center Opens

Thanksgiving 2012

President and Mrs. Nikias opened their home to USC students on Thanksgiving day, bringing together the Trojan Family for many students unable to travel home on the holiday. Traditional fare and festivities were the order of the day. Pictured above, Mrs. Nikias welcomes students to the event….Continue Reading Thanksgiving 2012

Addressing California’s Future

USC President C. L. Max Nikias recently spoke on a panel discussion on California’s opportunities for growth, business innovation and workforce development in today’s complex economic environment. The panel was part of the Milken Institute’s California Summit, held November 14 and 15, 2012. The panel, titled “A Conversation with California Leaders,” was moderated by James…Continue Reading Addressing California’s Future

USC Price School Hosts 2012 Guardian Awards

The USC Price School of Public Policy hosted the 2012 Price Guardian Awards on November 13, 2012, honoring three extraordinary individuals who have shaped the policy arena through visionary leadership within their respective fields. Leo Chu, president of California Casino Management, was the recipient of the Global Ambassador Award; Leonard D. Schaeffer, chairman and CEO of…Continue Reading USC Price School Hosts 2012 Guardian Awards

USC Kaufman School of Dance Celebrates Namesake Patron

On Monday, November 12, 2012, USC President     C. L. Max Nikias hosted a gala dinner to celebrate the Glorya Kaufman and her transformative gift made to create the USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance.  Attended by more than 250 guests, the event included luminaries from the world of dance included a performance by renowned dancer…Continue Reading USC Kaufman School of Dance Celebrates Namesake Patron

Brain and Creativity Institute Opens

On Nov. 6, 2012, the newly completed USC Brain and Creativity Institute (BCI) building opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and program of performances. The space, organized like a brain itself, merges the latest advances in neuroscience with ancient questions of what it means to be human: What drives us to create? How do we seek meaning? Where…Continue Reading Brain and Creativity Institute Opens